Buffered Results


In this example drizzle_query() is used to send a select query to a MySQL server. The whole result set is then retrieved and stored in memory using drizzle_result_buffer().

The number of columns is retrieved using drizzle_result_column_count(). Each row is iterated through by calling drizzle_row_next() which returns an array containing string of the row data. We know how many elements are in this array due to the earlier call to drizzle_result_column_count(). The data from each element in the row is finally echoed to the console.

To end the query the result set is freed using drizzle_result_free()


#include <libdrizzle-redux/libdrizzle.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  (void) argc;
  (void) argv;
  drizzle_st *con;
  drizzle_return_t ret;
  drizzle_result_st *result;
  drizzle_row_t row;
  int num_fields;

  con = drizzle_create("localhost", 3306, "user", "pass", "test", 0);
  if (con == NULL)
    printf("Drizzle connection object creation error\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  ret = drizzle_connect(con);
  if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK)
    printf("Drizzle connection failure\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  result= drizzle_query(con, "select * from libdrizzle.t1", 0, &ret);
  if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK)
    printf("Select failure\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  num_fields= drizzle_result_column_count(result);

  printf("%d fields\n", num_fields);
  while ((row = drizzle_row_next(result)))
    printf("Data: ");
    for (uint16_t col=0; col < num_fields; col++)
      printf("%s", row[col]);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;